You've reached the internet home of StarCat Brands. We make a variety of little tech projects.

What We're Making:

Casper Blog Supply →

Build your blog or newsletter with the Ghost platform.
Connect with your audience and write your own way!

SourceCamp →

Fast, friendly, independent Git hosting and CI/CD.
Let us take care of your source code!

PortPath →

Simple, independent authoritative DNS hosting for your domain names. Take the difficulty out of tying the internet together.

DocsHQ →

A continuous documentation platform—insert text, receive a beautiful docs website.
Coming soon

ShowCTRL Cloud →

Remote system management for integrators and venues.
Configure, control, and troubleshoot your AV+ systems from across the building, or across the world.

Disperse.Email →

Newsletter and email marketing for the little guys. Open software, excellent deliverability, and no lock-in.
Coming soon

Say hi, ask a question, or let us know what you think —
drop a note at [email protected], or find us on Mastodon.

Documentation →
Policies →
System Status →

©2024 StarCat Brands. Made with ♡ in Cleveland, OH—home to Cedar Point and the birthplace of rock & roll.
We hope you have an amazing day! :-)